Camping equipment and vehicles removed from the Patrick White Lawns

ACT Policing, with additional resources from the Australian Federal Police, have this morning moved camping equipment and illegally parked vehicles from the Patrick White Lawns adjacent to the National Library of Australia.
ACT Policing engaged with campers on Wednesday afternoon, informing them verbally and via printed material that they were in breach of legislation and on Thursday, 3rd February further audio warnings were made in the area by police.
This morning police moved into the area and will be removed camping equipment and vehicles from the area.
Four vehicles were towed from the location after their owners refused to move them. A small amount of camping and other equipment was also seized by police.
A 44-year-old man was arrested at the location and police say a loaded modified rifle was located in his vehicle, the man is expected to be charged with the possession of an illegal firearm.
Due to planned and unplanned events in the area, traffic disruptions may continue to occur in the Parliamentary Triangle area in the coming days.